Thursday, March 18, 2010

Meet Dillon.

He's a 13 week old 13 lb coonhound mix (we think there may be some cattle dog or lab in there too).

Likes: snuggling, sniffing, chewing (especially woodchips), running so his ears flap in the wind, trying to get cats to play with him, digging in moms garden, and trotting around carrying his stuffed red dog.

Dislikes: bathtime, when cats won't play with him (he wimpers), other barking dogs.

He often sports a red bandana.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


So I got a raise at work for my 4 year anniversary with the company. Yayy! Kevin's first response was "awesome!! now we can get cable!!" He and I had been talking about living without cable at the new house for a while, at least until we got the hang of our new expenses. For now, the plan is for him to pay the entire monthly mortgage bill, and I will pay all the utilities (along with my enormous college debt). Since most of my bills are now variable, I really have no idea how much I'll be spending until I know what we use.

I told him that despite the raise, I still want to go without cable for a while and use my raise primarily for savings, and updating things I've been putting off for a while (my shoddy wardrobe for one). Kevin's solution to this debate: calling the cable company and ordering full out digital cable while I'm not around. denied.

K=1, M=0 :(

Monday, March 8, 2010

All moved in!!

yeah so its been a few weeks since I've updated!! The move actually went pretty smoothly, apart from having the WORST snowstorm of the YEAR that weekend... we're talking FEET of snow! Needless to day, it took a little longer than expected. But after 2 days, we got it done!

Now onto the unpacking!! So far we have the main rooms (kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom) pretty well organized, and the spare rooms are still full of boxes. I'll have to post up some pics (as soon as I can find the cord that hooks my camera up to my computer – I can't remember where I packed it :-/ )